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Kirsten Zeydel 

Mother of Two

I am a proud mother of two amazing children. I think being a mom has made me a better consultant/engineer. Don't believe me, read on...

- Efficiency - I allocate separate time for work and family. Thus, I don't fiddle around with my projects on your dime.

- Managing Conflict - If you have two kids you know what I mean. Conflict is inevitable in design and construction coordination and thus, being able to listen and help each side understand where the other is coming from is invaluable. 

- Perspective - Being a mom has given me great perspective on my professional life. It has allowed me to take things in stride, concentrate on the solution, and not waste time fighting over who created the issue. That can be done after the problem is solved.

- Humility​No matter how hard I try to be the best mom, sometimes I fail. This has taught me to be mindful of other's viewpoints and be open to their suggestions.

- Patience - Try teaching math to a 6-year old...either you learn patience or you go crazy. Seriously though, the patience I have learned helps me be a better listener and more understanding.